
Changing case status

Changing case status
Case Number: 842NA823FAEV
Parties: Nicolas Surgulia, Tamuna Sologashvili
Case date: 20 DEC, 2020
Demanding: Central Court
Case category: Civil Suit
Mediation type *
Did the parties state that they wanted mediation in the lawsuit / objection?
The case was handed over to the mediator ...
What category is the dispute? *
Cost of the subject of dispute (first, lawsuit) *
How many days after the case was handed over was the mediator appointed?
(In case of the same day it is written 1)
How was the mediator appointed? *
How many mediators participated in the process? *
I was provided with the materials by the Mediation Center in a timely manner and was given the opportunity to prepare for the session.
How many days did the first communication with the parties take place after the transfer of the case? *
How many days after the case was handed over, the first session was held? *
If the session was scheduled 14 days later, indicate what was the reason for that?
Who contacted the parties regarding mediation sessions and organizational issues? *
How many sessions were held? *
Did you use telephone communication with the parties to discuss various issues (meaning beyond organizational issues)? *
Where were the sessions held? *
In your opinion, was the place allocated for mediation suitable?

Indicate why you think it was not appropriate

IIndicate what circumstances were not appropriate

Were the parties represented by lawyers / representatives? *
Were the parties aware of the mediation process? *
Were the representatives informed about the mediation? *
How prepared were the parties (their representatives) for mediation? *
Who was involved in the process? *
Plaintiff involved in the process *

If there was no decision-maker, why couldn't the decision-maker be involved in mediation?

Defendant in the process *

If there was no decision-maker, why couldn't the decision-maker be involved in mediation?

How was the party involved in the process? *

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What was the representative’s involvement in the process like? *

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Do you think that the disputed dispute was suitable for mediation?
What was the outcome of the mediation? *
If mediation does not end in reconciliation: at whose initiative did mediation cease? *
If the mediation ended without a settlement, indicate, in your opinion, what was the reason for the disagreement between the parties.

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How long did the mediation last (the duration of the period and not the sessions)? *
How many hours did you spend on this meditation? *
Who pays for the mediator's expenses?

Attach a payroll time sheet

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