Tamar Gogiashvili – mediator since 2023.
Lawyer in the legal department at Tbilisi City Hall. Lawyer by profession. Tamar holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Tamar has been a member of the Georgian Bar Association (GBA) since 2023. She is an advocate.
Tamar completedcertification training in mediation (60 hours), supported by Tbilisi State University, the National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution (NCADR) and the Georgian Bar Association (GBA). She also successfully completed a three-stage certification program organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia.
Other qualifications: 2023 Tamar passed – mediation Certification training; 2016 – training „General Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law”; 2011-2012 - Georgian Young lawyers’ Association’s Foundation For The Support Of Legal Education’s Course in Civil Law.
As for the working experience, since 2015 she has been a lawyer in the legal department at Tbilisi City Hall.
Working languages: Georgian, English.

Tamar Gogiashvili
Court Member