Call for applications!

In accordance with the requirements of the Certification Programme for Mediators, in particular, in accordance with Article 10.2, receiving applications from interested parties started on September 1, 2020 and it will continue until November 30, 2020.

We would like to remind you that those interested in joining the Georgian Association of Mediators should apply to the Association in accordance with Article 10.2 of the Certification Programme for Mediators, namely:

• Persons, who have acted as mediators and/or co-mediators in Tbilisi City Court, Rustavi City Court, Mtskheta District Court and Gori District Court before the entry into force of the Law of Georgia on Mediation. They must submit a certificate issued by the court together with the personal application;

• For approval of a training on mediation/mediator, the Association can be approached by the institution that conducted the mediation/mediator training for such persons. In this case, the application for approval must be accompanied by a description of the completed course, its methodology, agenda and consent of the person participating in the training.

• Individuals who have taken mediation/mediator training, at least 40 hours of training prior to the approval of the Statute of Certification Programme for Mediators, must submit a certificate of mediation/mediator training with a personal application for approval of a training, course description, methodology and course agenda.

Interested persons are kindly requested to fill in the application.

The Georgian Association of Mediators wishes success to all interested persons, calls on them to get acquainted with the Certification Programme for Mediators and act in accordance with it and within the set timeframe. Certification Programme for Mediators.

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Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try mediation"

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