International conference - "Trends, risks and opportunities in the process of using mediation".

Irakli Kandashvili, the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia and Tamar Imnaishvili, the executive secretary of the association, participated in the international conference "Trends, risks and opportunities in the process of using mediation".

About two hundred representatives of the field of mediation from different countries took part in the mentioned conference. One of the panels of the conference presented such an important issue as "Integrating the Singapore Convention on Mediation into the national legislation."

In the panel, the chairman of the association, Irakli Kandashvili, shared to participants the practice of mediation in Georgia and talked about the integration of the Singapore Convention into the legislation. At the end of the meeting, was held discussion among the participants and shared mediation practices in different countries."Mediators Association of Georgia" is always ready to cooperate and participate in various international conferences based on the goals of development of mediation in Georgia.

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