Event related to "Year of Mediation".

Mediators Association of Georgia with the support of donor organizations (with the support of USAID Rule of Law Program, United Nations Development Program and Germany, the project "Improving the Rule of Law and Access to Justice for All" and the Council of Europe Office in Georgia) held an event related to the "Year of Mediation", where the general public related to the Year of Mediation Plans and implemented activities were presented.

The aim of the campaign is to popularize and increase the use of mediation as a means of dispute resolution in the country, both by private individuals and businesses. This implies the implementation of a number of interesting and important events, forums, conferences, trainings, competitions with the support of donor organizations. Activities planned for the "Year of Mediation" which includes the involvement of both society and the legal profession, students, judges and representatives of almost all professions. The campaign involves raising the awareness of public agencies, professional circles, business organizations and society in general about the benefits of mediation throughout Georgia.

Irakli Kandashvili, the Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Neil Weinstein, the Deputy Head of the USAID Rule of Law Program, Levan Asatian, the Rule of Law Project Manager of the United Nations Development Program, and Tamar Zubashvili, the representative of the Georgian Office of the Council of Europe in Georgia, addressed the opening of the event and a welcome speech.

At the event, Anri Okhanashvili, the Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliament, Buba Lomuashvili, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Davit Asatiani, the Chairman of the Bar Association, Aleksandre Tsuladze, the Supreme Court Judge, Mikheil Khurtsidze, the Deputy Director of the Legal Aid Service, and Rusudan Chkuaseli, the Chairman of the Arbitrators' Association, spoke about the importance of raising awareness about mediation at the event.


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