Mediators Association of Georgia held the first training course on mediation ethics

Mediators Association of Georgia, with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program, developed a mandatory training program on mediation ethics within the framework of continuous professional education of mediators.

On the basis of the training program, the first training course on mediation ethics was held for the mediators, which was led by the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Irakli Kandashvili, and the member of the executive board of the same association, mediator, associate professor of TSU. Natia Chitashvili.

Within the framework of the training course, the Georgian mediation practice was generalized in terms of the standards of professional conduct of mediators, the importance of ethics in the formation of mediation as a profession was discussed, the procedural content of the mediator's ethics standards was presented, and the strategies and recommendations for the management of ethical dilemmas by mediators were shared.

The continuing professional education course on mediation ethics is mandatory for all working mediators, which serves to strengthen the ethical sustainability and reliability of mediation, uniform establishment of professional conduct standards and conscientious implementation in court and private mediation.


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