Meeting with students of Georgian-American University Business School

The campaign started by the Mediators Association of Georgia with the support of the United Nations Development Program continues, the purpose of which is to introduce the essence and value of mediation to students of business schools, future business representatives in Georgia.


Within the framework of the mentioned campaign, he held a meeting with the students of the business school of the Georgian-American University.


The participants were attended by the chairman of the Mediators of Association of Georgia - Irakli Kandashvili, the project officer of the United Nations Development Program "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all" - Ivane Chitashvili and the president of the Georgian-American University R. Michael Cowgill was welcomed.


Irakli Kandashvili spoke about mediation and noted that it is very important for business representatives to have knowledge about mediation as an alternative dispute mechanism.


There was a lot of interest from the students at the meeting, many interesting questions were asked.


Mediators of Association of Georgia with the support of donor organizations will continue to strengthen the Mediation Institute and will often hold similar meetings for students of business schools in the future.


The event was implemented with the support of the United Nations Development Program and Germany, within the framework of the project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all".


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