Pro Bono project - resolve disputes under family mediation category

One more important step forward made by “Mediators Association of Georgia”.

On March 1st, 2021 year Georgian Mediators Association has launched a pro bono project, aimed to resolve disputes under family mediation category through mediation.

Statistical research shows that because of the pandemic situation in the world, number of legal disputes in different fields has been increased, including in family law field. It should be noted that, the project will help the parties, with help of mediators to resolve their disputes peacefully and quickly.

Everyone who is involved in family disputes and wishes to resolve it through the mediation is allowed to take part in the project.

The project will be implemented with the support of the Mediators who are involved in pro bono project, they will provide qualified and free mediations service.

Interested person(s) please contact us at 0322 2 905 900.

Pro bono project is fully supported by the Georgian Mediators Association. The project will last until May 30st.

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