The chairman of "Mediators Association of Georgia" Irakli Kandashvili and executive director of the association Tamar Imnaishvili hosted the delegation from Kyrgyzstan at the office of the association.

The meeting was attended by: Deputy Ministers of Justice of Kyrgyzstan, heads of relevant departments and a representative of the administration of the President of Kyrgyzstan.

At the meeting, the chairman of the association, Irakli Kandashvili, introduced the delegates to the use of mediation as a new dispute settlement mechanism in Georgia, as well as the concrete results of the innovations and reforms introduced in this short period, which aim to increase the popularization of mediation and ensure even faster and reliable access to justice in Georgia.

The purpose of the working visit of the Kyrgyz delegation to Georgia was to learn about the Georgian mediation model and the issues of ratification and further implementation of the Singapore Convention on Mediation within the framework of international settlements.

The association attaches special importance to close cooperation with different countries on an international scale, which promotes the development of the field of mediation in Georgia.

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