The Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia meets with mediators of the newly established mediation centers of Kutaisi.

On February 14, Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, and Tamar Imnaishvili, Executive Secretary of the Association, met with mediators of judicial mediation centers of Kutaisi, who completed the three- level certification program. The judicial mediation centers have started working on January 1, 2022. According to the certification program's regulations, three-step certification program includes 60 hours of training, practical skills testing phase, and a test of real mediation leadership skills. Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of Mediator’s Association of Georgia, explained the organization's functions, strategy, and future plans to the participants of the meeting. At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Association Irakli Kandashvili exceeded over the mediator certificate to the newly joined mediators and wished them successin their professional activities!

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Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try mediation"

With the support of the United Nations Development Program and Germany, within the framework of the project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all", the Mediators Association of Georgia held a meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try Mediation".