Bela Tsulaia - mediator since 2023
Lawyer by profession, a member of the Georgian bar association since 2005, engaged in legal practice with general specialization, certified in the of juvenile justice ( since 2015) juvenile justice and children’s right ( civil) certified since 2020, mentor lawyer of the Georgian Bar association, holds. k Gamsakhurdia House Deploma (with Honor) equivalent to the master’s degree in jurisprudence specialization of the Abasha Humanitarian and Law Institute.
In 2019, Bela has completed a certificate training in mediation (40 hours) at Tbilisi State University national center for alternative dispute resolution( ncadr) Georgian bar association(GBA) and Tbilisi open university ( TOU). In addition, she passed a three -step program based in the certification rules of the association of mediators of Georgia.
As for professional experience: since 1999- until now, she has been engaged in legal activities, she is a practicing and qualified lawyer in criminal, civil and administrative cases, a licensed lawyer in the field of juvenile justice (civil-administrative) and minors’ rights: 2009 -until now, she is a lawyer of the registry of the Poti bureau of the Legal Assistance Service of the state of Georgia, a member of the civil committee of the Georgian Bar association, 2020. Founder and lawyer of ,,Samartali” LLC.
In 1999 -2002, Bela was a lawyer of “khajalia da company “ LLC. 2002-2006-director of the lawyer company “ Themida 2002” LLC lawyer . 1999-2006 -dean of Abasha humanitarian and law institute named after k. Gamsakhurdia. Bela has passed numerous trainings of the American international bar association, Georgian bar association, I Javakhishvili institute, Tbilisi Station University, National Center for alternative Dispute Resolution, IPS Caucasus Schoolof Lawyers, legal assistance servise and holds relevante certificates
Working languages: Georgian, English