
Marekh Devidze

Court Member
Marekh Devidze - Mediator since 2024.

Currently, Deputy Head of Quality Assurance Service, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Invited Lecturer of the same faculty (since 2012 - on various study courses, including the educational programs of the master's degree in “Media Studies” and “Conflictology” - „Media and Fasilitation“; „Mediation“; „Social Groups, interaction and conflict“; Social Psychology) & Coordinator of the master's program "Conflictology".

By profession she is a psychologist and holds a diploma equivalent to a master's degree in psychology from the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (1997). She is working on a dissertation topic to obtain the degree of Doctor in Conflictology.

In order to obtain the PhD in Conflictology, she is working on the thesis topic - "Organizational conflicts prevention with individuals of local and cosmopolitan orientation". From 2000 until now, she has attended various training courses, summer school, webinars and workshops (Including in Italy, Pisa, "Scuola Superiore San't Anna”).

She also participated in scientific conferences, scientific and research projects (last project 2020-2022. Establishing Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Programme in European Studies at Tbilisi State University (EUStBA). EU-Funded Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project. Institute for European Studies, TSU. Participant).

She has published various publications in the field of conflicts. She Awarded Medal of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

In 2023-2024, she successfully passed the three-step program stipulated by the certification rule of the Association of Mediators of Georgia. Her areas of interest are: Conflictology (conflict analysis and management); mediation; psychology; Psychiatry.

Working language: Georgian.