Georgian Association of Mediators and Global Compact Network Georgia held online discussion for network members

At the initiative of the Georgian Association of Mediators and the Global Compact Network Georgia, online discussion was held for network members titled Mediation – Most Effective Alternative Dispute Resolution Instrument in Business Sector.

Salome Zurabishvili, the Head of the Global Compact Network Georgia, and Irakli Kandashvili, the Chairman of the Georgian Association of Mediators, opened the discussion. The Prime Minister's Advisor on Human Rights Lela Akiashvili addressed the event participants; she focused on the importance of mediation and mentioned that the implementation of alternative dispute resolution instruments is critical for the public, which is why this topic would be given special importance in the new strategy for human rights protection.

At the meeting, a member of the Executive Board of the Georgian Association of Mediators, mediator Natia Chitashvili, introduced event participants existing novelties in the field and focused on judicial and non-judicial mediation.

The meeting was held under the auspices of the Government of Sweden.
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