2nd Annual International Forum - "Mediation for Business"

Within the framework of the week dedicated to Mediation Day, with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program, the joint 2nd annual international forum of the Mediators Association of Georgia and the Business Ombudsman of Georgia - "Mediation for Business" was held.


The international forum "Mediation for Business" was opened and the participants of the forum were welcomed by Irakli Kandashvili, the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Otar Danelia, the business ombudsman of Georgia, John Pennell, the head of the USAID mission in Georgia, Irakli Nadareishvili, the deputy minister of economy and sustainable development of Georgia, Elguja Meladze, the chairman of the Association of Employers of Georgia,General Director of Poti Free Industrial Zone Davit Ebralidze, Chairman of Georgian Competition Agency Irakli Lekvinadze, Director of Intellectual Property Center of Georgia Sakpatent Soso Giorgadze and Chairman of Georgian Bar Association Davit Asatiani.


The forum took place in the format of a panel discussion, in which members of the Executive Board of the Mediators Association of Georgia, business representatives and foreign experts invited from different countries took part.


At the forum, foreign experts shared the practices and experiences of their countries with the participants of the forum, in particular, Michael McIlwrath gave a presentation to the audience on why businesses should spend resources on mediation.


In the discussion format, the invited guests also discussed the role of commercial mediation in achieving business efficiency and the challenges of business disputes in court.


Forum "Mediation for Business" aims on the one hand to popularize a new dispute resolution mechanism and on the other hand to create a stable platform that will allow representatives of the business sector to learn more important information about mediation and effectively, in a short period of time and at less cost to resolve their disputes themselves through mediation.


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