2nd Annual International Forum - "Mediation for Lawyers".

Within the framework of the week dedicated to Mediation Day, with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program, the 2nd Annual International Forum - "Mediation for Lawyers" was held jointly by the Mediators Association of Georgia and the Georgian Bar Association.


The International Forum "Mediation for Lawyers" was opened by the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia - Irakli Kandashvili, the secretary of the Supreme Council of Justice Nikoloz Marsagishvili, the chairman of the European Bar Association Maria Slazak, the head of the USAID Rule of Law Program Giorgi Chkheidze and the chairman of the Georgian Bar Association Davit Asatiani opened the international forum "Mediation for Lawyers" and addressed the participants of the forum with a welcome speech.


The forum took place in the format of a panel discussion, in which members of the Executive Board of the Mediators Association of Georgia, judges and foreign experts invited from different countries took part.


At the forum, foreign experts shared the practices and experiences of their countries with the participants of the forum. In the format of the discussion, the panel participants also discussed the role of the representative in the mediation process and the issue of the advantages of mediation from a financial point of view.


The purpose of the annual forum is to raise awareness among lawyers about the institution of mediation and to show how important it is to introduce the practice of mediation in the legal field. It should be noted that the "Mediation for Lawyers" forum is a very good opportunity for lawyers to get acquainted with news about the alternative dispute settlement mechanism every year.

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