3rd Annual Mediation Development Forum

As part of Mediation Business Week, "Association of Mediators of Georgia" with the support of USAID Rule of Law Program "Mediation Institutional Strengthening and Development Project" held the third annual forum dedicated to the development of mediation together with the Business Ombudsman of Georgia.

The forum "Mediation for Business" was opened and the invited guests were addressed by the Chairman of the Association of Mediators of Georgia - Irakli Kandashvili, the head of the USAID Rule of Law Program Giorgi Chkheidze, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara - Davit Gabaidze, the First Deputy Executive Director of the Georgian Business Association - Akaki Saghirashvili, The Deputy Business Ombudsman of Georgia - Nino Kvenetadze, the President of the Association of Georgian Employers - Elguja Meladze and the General Director of Poti Free Industrial Zone - Davit Ebralidze. 

The forum took place in the format of a panel discussion, where the invited guests discussed the role of commercial mediation in achieving business efficiency and the challenges of business disputes in court.


At the forum, a foreign expert, director of the Singapore International Academy of Dispute Resolution - Dr. Nadia Alexander shared her practice and experience in Singapore with the forum participants.

The guests participating in the event discussed in a discussion format the role of commercial mediation in achieving business efficiency and the challenges of business disputes in court.


Forum "Mediation for Business" aims on the one hand to popularize a new dispute resolution mechanism and on the other hand to create a stable platform that will allow representatives of the business sector to learn more important information about mediation and effectively, in a short period of time and at less cost to resolve their disputes themselves through using mediation

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