A QR code has been generated with the initiative and support of the Rustavi City Court together with the Mediators Association of Georgia.

Mediators Association of Georgia.with various activities since its foundation, is concerned with raising awareness in society about the use of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution and offering support to the society, which will serve to establish social peace.

In order to make it easier for citizens to use the Mediation Institute, with the initiative and support of the Rustavi City Court, a QR code was developed together with the  Mediators Association of Georgia, which provides an opportunity for a citizen to receive comprehensive information about mediation from the official website of the Mediators Association of Georgia with simple scanning.

The support of the judiciary is essential for the development of the institution of mediation.With the support of the judiciary, a number of judicial mediation centers were established on the basis of courts. Mediation centers serves to create a supportive and neutral environment for the society, where the parties are given the opportunity to quickly and peacefully resolve their disagreements through mediation with the help of highly qualified mediators.

QR code will be used for the first time in a pilot mode in the Rustavi City Court, and with the support of the judicial authorities, the innovation will be gradually introduced in various judicial mediation centers.

The chancellery of the Rustavi City Court will hand over the reception card to the citizen on which the QR code of the Association  will be printed. By scanning, the citizen is given the opportunity, on the one hand, to understand the information about mediation, and on the other hand,  to select a mediator.

Mediators Association of Georgia. welcomes the implementation of such innovative approaches, which will contribute to the development of the field of mediation in Georgia!

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