A working meeting was held for the members of the Ethics Commission of the Mediators Association of Georgia within the framework of the project "Development of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Georgia".

A working meeting was held for the members of the Ethics Commission of the Mediators Association of Georgia with the support of the Council of Europe office within the framework of the project "Development of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Georgia".


The working meeting was opened by the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia Irakli Kandashvili, and the representative of the Georgian office of the Council of Europe, Tamar Zubashvili.


Council of Europe consultant Nina Betetto was specially invited to the meeting of the Ethics Commission of the Mediators Association of Georgia who spoke about the ethical standards of the Council of Europe and mediators, disciplinary responsibility and the system of sanctions.


The purpose of the workshop was to increase the knowledge of the members of the Ethics Commission of the Mediators Association of Georgia about the ethical foundations of mediation, the ethical standards and disciplinary procedures of mediators in other jurisdictions, as well as sharing practical experience on how to implement ethical principles in real mediation.


The Chairman of the Ethics Commission, Sophio Dughashvili, spoke about the system of sanctions enforcement and the Georgian model of ethical standards protection. The workshop ended with working on real case scenarios and discussion.


Mediators Association of Georgia, with the support of donor organizations, continues to cooperate with international experts for the purpose of strengthening the institution of mediation.

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