Study visit to Great Britain and Ireland on the subject of ADR

Irakli Kandashvili, chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, was in Great Britain and Ireland on the subject of ADR, which was held by the Global Compact Network Georgia with the support of the Government of Sweden in cooperation with USAID Rule of Law Program. Georgian Association of Arbitrators, business sector and judges from Georgia also participated in the visit. The first part of the study visit took place in Dublin, Ireland. The participants visited Glencree, an NGO based in Ireland,which works with individuals and groups to transform conflict, implement reconciliation practices, build healthy inter-community relations and ensure sustainable peace.In the second part of the study visit, held in London, United Kingdom, the delegates visited the CEDR Center for Effective Dispute Resolution. The meeting was chaired by Head of Commercial Disputes Richard Nunn. During the visit, such important issues as: mediation as a service delivery process, the proportional value of mediation in relation to cases, the role of a lawyer in the process of alternative dispute resolution were discussed., Also, special attention was paid to the need to widely introduce mediation in the country, which leads to even more effective access to justice. Delegates received information on labor dispute resolution and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the context of employee rights, discrimination and inequality. The association attaches special importance to close cooperation with different countries on an international scale, which promotes the development of the field of mediation in Georgia.

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