Annual Interdisciplinary Forum "Mediation in Georgia - Challenges and Prospects"

As part of Mediation Week, with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program, on December 18, the second annual interdisciplinary forum "Mediation in Georgia - Challenges and Prospects" was held.


The event was opened and the invited guests were addressed by the Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia Irakli Kandashvili, the Deputy Prosecutor General Giorgi Gabitashvili, the Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Notaries of Georgia Davit Putkaradze, the Policy Department of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Protection, head of Labor and Employment Policy and Collective Labor Disputes Division Lika Klimiashvili, Chairman of the Union of Georgian Professional Unions Irakli Petriashvili and President of the Georgian Employers' Association Elguja Meladze. "All the agencies that implement mediation in accordance with the existing legislation in the country took part in the forum.


After the end of the forum, the 5th general meeting of the Mediators Association of Georgia was held, and the chairman of the association, Irakli Kandashvili, presented the annual report of the activities carried out by the association to the mediators participating in the meeting.

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