Another new judicial mediation center was opened in Ajara region, St. In Batumi

With the support of the judicial authorities, another new judicial mediation center was opened in the Adjara region, St. In Batumi, at the base of the Batumi representative office of Grigol Robakidze University.


The court mediation center was opened by Irakli Kandashvili, the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Davit Gabaidze, the chairman of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Jumber Bezhanidze, the chairman of the Batumi City Court, and Amiran Meskishvili, the head of the Grigol Robakidze University Batumi office.


Effective steps in the direction of the introduction of mediation taken at the regional level ensure the development of the mediation institute in the country. Mediators Association of Georgia constantly tries to offer the society all-round support, which serves to establish social peace.


The opening of a mediation center in the city of Batumi in the Ajara region serves to create a supportive and neutral environment for the community, where the parties will be given the opportunity to quickly and peacefully resolve their differences through mediation with the help of highly qualified mediators.


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