Essay Competition for Students in Mediation!

Mediators Association of Georgia announces an essay competition for university students on the topic:
"Comparative advantage of mediation over other dispute resolution mechanisms".

The aim of the competition is to raise students' awareness in the field of mediation.
In the first stage, the submitted works will be evaluated according to the following technical requirements:
• The essay should be prepared in Georgian language;
• The work of the Essay should be 1500-2000 words;
• The essay should be prepared in PDF format;
• The work should be prepared in Sylfaen font, the font size should be 11;
• Essay must be submitted by email, the subject of the letter must indicate "Essay Competition";

The works that will pass the stage of meeting the technical requirements will be evaluated by a special jury of the competition.

 The authors of the best essays identified in the competition will be awarded:
(The winners will be given books, will have the opportunity to undergo a two-month free internship at the Mediators Association of Georgia; to participate in free mediation training for them; to meet with mediators and participate in a meeting and discussion).
Those wishing to participate in the competition must submit an application in electronic form to the Meidators Association of Georgia at the official website:
The application deadline is October 31, 2021!
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