First Regional Rule of Law Forum of the USAID Rule of Law Program

Executive Director of the Mediators Association of Georgia - Tamar Imnaishvili participated in the first regional forum on the rule of law of the USAID Rule of Law Program. Representatives of the sphere of justice, universities, civil society organizations and media representatives of Imereti and Ajara regions participated in the forum. The event was held within the Batumi and Kutaisi regional hubs of the USAID Rule of Law Program. 

The sessions were led by partners of the USAID Rule of Law Program, and included sharing and discussion of strategies for actively upholding and respecting the rule of law. The main focus of the discussions was to share the critical challenges and best practices in protecting the best interests of the child.


Tamar Imnaishvili, Executive Director of the Mediators Association of Georgia spoke about the role of a mediator during a family legal dispute, when it comes to the best interests of the child.


The forum facilitated the sharing of best practices on the rule of law among participants, encouraging cooperation and discussion on the issues of the rule of law and human rights.


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