Important information for those interested in mediation!

The number of people interested in mediation has been increasing since the day the association was founded
Entry into the profession is connected with the successful completion of the relevant stages provided for in the certification program of the LEPL Association of Georgian Mediators, prepared with the involvement of European experts with the support of the EU project.

For the implementation of the first important stage, it is necessary to obtain accreditation, which is issued by LEPL "Mediators Association of Georgia" on the basis of the regulations of the certification program. From January 2021, any interested person has the opportunity to obtain the mentioned accreditation.
We would like to inform you that for the first time the interested institutions applied to the Mediators Association of Georgia with a request to obtain a similar right and based on the relevant procedures the Association issued program accreditation to the interested subjects.
Mediators Association of Georgia has issued program accreditation to the following entities that have been authorized to provide training to persons interested in mediation:
  1. Eastern European Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution"
  2. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution (NCADR)
  3. Georgia Bar Association
  4. "Rizolv".
Those interested in mediation are given the opportunity to apply to these entities and register.
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მედიაციის შესახებ საქართველოს კანონის კომენტარი

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Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try mediation"

With the support of the United Nations Development Program and Germany, within the framework of the project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all", the Mediators Association of Georgia held a meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try Mediation".