International Mediation Competition

By the support of “Mediators Association of Georgia” and by hosting of University of Georgia, for the first time in Georgia, there will be held an international mediation competition organized by the International Academy for Dispute Resolution (INADR) - INADR International Law School Mediation Tournament.

The “Mediators Association of Georgia” has established a special award for a winner of the first place in the competition “Best Newcomer Mediator”.

2021 competition of the year - INADR International Law School Mediation Tournament will be hosted by Georgia. According to the established tradition, for even years, the competition is hosted by the Loyola University School of Law in Chicago (IL), and for odd for years – by the various European universities.
The annual International Mediation Competition brings together the law school students and alumni from around the world. The competition gives the students the opportunity to explore both as mediation techniques and types, as well as gaining the practical experience by competing with the students from the universities around the world.

The “Mediators Association of Georgia” expresses its readiness to participate in this competition every year and to express its support to the young generation.

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