Irakli Kandashvili attends official ratification ceremony of Singapore Convention by Turkey

Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, is paying a working visit to Ankara at the invitation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Turkey, where the Republic of Turkey is formally ratifying the UN Convention, the Singapore Convention on Enforcement of International Mediation Arrangements. Turkey's accession and ratification of the Singapore Convention is another step towards the development of mediation in the region, which should give an even stronger impetus to the development of international trade relations in our region. Turkey is a strategic trade partner of Georgia and today is a carrier of international importance for Georgia, in particular, the ratification and entry into force of the Singapore Convention by Turkey is a precondition for attracting more business interest to countries in the region, including Georgia. Georgia has acceded to the Singapore Convention since 2019, which was officially ratified by the Parliament of Georgia in 2021, and the Convention will officially enter into force for Georgia on June 29, 2022.

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მედიაციის შესახებ საქართველოს კანონის კომენტარი

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Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try mediation"

With the support of the United Nations Development Program and Germany, within the framework of the project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all", the Mediators Association of Georgia held a meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try Mediation".