Legal Professions Development Forum

With the funding of the Swedish Institute, Alumni Network, and the support of the Embassy of Sweden in Tbilisi, a forum for the development of legal professions was organized by the Swedish Alumni Network in Georgia.
"Mediators Association of Georgia" as a partner organization of the network was invited to the forum together with the various institutions.The purpose of the event was to analyze the current situation and future prospects as a result of recent and planned changes in the legal professions, as well as to evaluate the expected innovations in the process of European integration and the introduction of European standards in the legal professions.
The event was opened by the Ambassador of Sweden to Georgia, Mr. Ulrik Tideström, who addressed the forum participants with a welcome speech.The Chair of the Ethics Commission – Sophio Dughashvili, attended the forum on behalf of the "Mediators Association of Georgia", and spoke on the innovations and challenges implemented by the association in the direction of Mediation in the recent period.At the end of the event, a discussion was held among the participants to bring together the interests of educational institutions and professional unions and prepare the ground for future joint activities.
"Mediators Association of Georgia" is always ready to cooperate and participate in various forums and conferences based on the goals of the development of mediation in Georgia.

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Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try mediation"

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