Mediators Association of Georgia held a working meeting with the representatives of the Personal Data Protection Service for the members of the association regarding the changes provided for by the new law "On Personal Data Protection".

Irakli Kandashvili, the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia and Otar Chakhunashvili, the first deputy head of the Personal Data Protection Service, welcomed the participants.

Lika Kobaladze, head of the legal department of the Personal Data Protection Service, spoke about the legislative changes, which were related to the updated basis of data processing, data subject rights, profiling, porting, audio and video monitoring, data protection impact assessment,to the Personal Data Protection Officer, changes in penalties and non-compliance with legal requirements of the Service, the incident and the obligation to report it to the Service.


Regarding the changes provided by the new law "On Personal Data Protection", there was a great interest from the attending public, a discussion was held at the end of the meeting and many interesting questions were asked.



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