Mediators Association of Georgia Meets with USAID/PROLoG Expert to Discuss Draft Continuing Professional Development Concept for Mediators

On May 21, USAID/PROLoG supported the first online meeting between the Mediators Association of Georgia Working Group representing the executive board members of Mediators Association of Georgia, representatives of the High Council of Justice, High School of Justice, Georgian Bar Association, other donor organizations and mediators, and international expert Baria Ahmed, to discuss a draft concept on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for mediators.

The working group consists of members of the Executive Board of the Mediators Association of Georgia, acting mediators, representatives of the Bar Association and the judiciary.

It is important that from 2022 all mediators will be subject to mandatory professional development courses, which will guarantee additional confidence in the profession and the creation of quality and safe mediation in Georgia.
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Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try mediation"

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