Mediators Association of Georgia presented a package of legislative changes to the Parliament of Georgia with the initiative of making changes in the legislative acts regulating the professional activity of mediators.

"Mediators Association of Georgia" appealed to the legislative body of Georgia, the Parliament of Georgia, with an initiative to introduce amendments to the law, which refers to both the Georgian Law "On Mediation" and other legislative acts related to mediation. 

According to Irakli Kandashvili, chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, after the adoption of the law, for the proper development of mediation as a dispute resolution mechanism, it became necessary to carry out certain legislative changes. Presenting the mentioned initiative was determined by the current practice. 

The package of legislative changes was prepared by the working group created in the Mediators Association of Georgia and includes a number of important issues related to the activities of mediators and refers to the following legislative acts: Law of Georgia "On Mediation"; Civil Procedure Code of Georgia; Organic Law of Georgia "On Common Courts"; Law of Georgia "On State Pension".Mediators Association of Georgia hopes that the submitted package of legislative amendments will be reviewed by the Parliament of Georgia in time and is also ready to cooperate with the Parliament in the process of preparing a legislative proposal so that the project becomes a law within the framework of the spring session.

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