National Competition on Commercial Mediation

With the support of the “Mediators Association of Georgia” the European Universityestablished the National Competition on Commercial Mediation. The event was opened by Nino Taliashvili - Rector of the European University, Irakli Kandashvili - Chairman of the  Mediators Association of Georgia and Salome Bezhashvili -Chairperson of the Commercial and Competition Law Committee of  Georgian Bar Association. Prior to the competition, the selected participants will undergo theoretical and practical training in mediation and negotiation, led by the project manager - Sophio Dughashvili, who is the Chairperson of the Ethics Commission of the Mediators Association of Georgiaand a visiting lecturer at the European University. The evaluators of the competition will be the mediators of the Mediators Association of Georgia, specialists with theoretical or practical experience in the field of Mediation, Lawyers with representation experience in Mediation. The winner of each stage will be identified by summarizing the scores received by the team.  At the end of the competition, the winners will be awarded with special prizes, and all participants will receive a certificate of participation. The best project participants will also have the opportunity to engage in internship programs.
Those wishing to participate must register at the following link:
The deadline for filling out the application is - March 4 at 16:00; The number of participants is limited and only 30 best participants will be selected.

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Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try mediation"

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