Non-judicial mediation development project

Mediators Association of Georgia supports the effective implementation of the non-judicial mediation mechanism in Georgia, because the effective operation of the non-judicial mediation system is a prerequisite for the disputing parties of the civil category to avoid litigation and the further complication of relations between each other, and also helps to prevent potential court proceedings between the disputing parties, Which is a prerequisite for ensuring the right of access to court for the disputing parties and for the realization of quality justice in Georgia.


Within the framework of achieving the mentioned goals, the Mediators Association of Georgia, within the framework of close cooperation with Grigol Robakidze University, together with the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of the University, started the first similar project with the service of AIP "My Lawyer", which refers non-judicial disputes through mediation are regulated on the basis of the University Center, where practicing mediators help disputing parties reach an amicable end to the conflict.


The mentioned project is successfully underway and 50% of the managed mediation cases have already been concluded by agreement. Within the framework of the project, a number of mediators were given the opportunity, if chosen by the disputing parties, to be involved in the process of non-judicial mediation, and it is good that the project is running successfully.


Mediators are actively involved in the current project, who are directly chosen by the parties to the dispute as mediators, and association members Marina Beradze, as the director of AIP "My Lawyer" and mediator Nina Gersamia, as the head of the University Mediation Center, successfully lead the effective course of the project.


Mediators Association of Georgia expresses its readiness to actively participate in similar types of non-judicial mediation development projects in the future.


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