Office of Georgian Association of Mediators equipped with the support of USAID/PROLoG targeted grant

The Georgian Association of Mediators is grateful for the support of USAID/PROLoG and notes that the USAID/PROLoG Targeted Grant is crucial to resolving the disputes emerging due to spread of COVID-19. The office of the Georgian Association of Mediators was equipped with the support of USAID/PROLoG grant, which will greatly facilitate the process of remote review and mediation of civil cases. Support of USAID/PROLoG is particularly significant as the Georgian Government introduced a state of emergency and formalized mediation in remote mode in response to the spread of COVID-19.

In addition, in cooperation with the High Council of Justice of Georgia, a new online dispute resolution platform was launched, which allowed the parties to the civil dispute to have a remote hearing of the case.

Through this platform, 54 accredited mediators have their own Webex account and can conduct online mediation.

Importantly, office equipment and computers purchased with the USAID/PROLoG grant will be used:
• to manage mediation cases referred by civil panels;
• to communicate with the parties;
• to distribute cases among mediators;
• to choose and appoint a mediator when the parties fail to agree on a mediator.

USAID/PROLoG grant assistance in this process was and is a testament to the support of the international community.

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ეთიკის სავალდებულო ტრენინგი მედიატორებისთვის

ამ წუთებში მედიატორთა განგრძობადი პროფესიული განათლების ფარგლებში მიმდინარეობს ეთიკის სავალდებულო ტრენინგი მედიატორებისთვის ,რომელიც მხარდაჭერილია USAID სამართლის უზენაესობის პროგრამის მიერ.