Online Conference on – Judicial Mediation and the Role of Judges

On February 26th, theMediators  Association of Georgia, Ukrainian Academy of Mediation, the Ukrainian Bar association, the Mediation Committee and Regional Council for Justice Reform of Odessa has organized an online conference on – Judicial Mediation and the Role of Judges.

The event was opened by the Chairman of Georgian Mediators Association –Irakli Kandashvili. Tinatin Vashakmadze who is a judge of the Civil Cases panel of Tbilisi City Court has presented as a speaker.

Judges from different countries, including Georgia, the Netherlands and Finland, have spoke about the role and importance of cooperation between the court and mediation.

It is Noteworthy, that the International legal community around the world supports close cooperation between judges and mediators to promote mediation. The practice of different countries clearly shows, that mediation is an effective way to resolve the disputes.

Mediators Association of Georgia will actively continue cooperation with International Partners worldwide.

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Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Akhalkalaki, "Try mediation"

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