Organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia the Association hosted "Emotional Intelligence Baseline Training for Mediators" in an online format.

Organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia, the Association hosted "Emotional Intelligence Baseline Training for Mediators" in an online format.


Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, opened the training with a welcome speech.


The trainer was invited and led by a Doctor of Law, personal development trainer, certified coach of Erickson International School - Ketevan Iremashvili.


Passing this training will be considered to be the members of the association in the mandatory credits of continued professional development.


The training included both theoretical and practical parts. The first part of the training was devoted to theoretical issues such as an introduction to emotional intelligence: emotional intelligence as a competitive advantage, the definition of emotional intelligence and the peculiarities of its practical application, the line of self-awareness, the force of understanding, and the second part of the training was devoted to a group coaching session and the processing of personal goals, which was conducted individually in keeping with confidentiality. Participants chose and processed one specific goal from their personal, personal development/professional life areas; The training was conducted in an interactive mode, at the end of which the experience of mediators was shared and the importance of emotional intelligence was emphasized to mediators.


"The Mediators Association of Georgia is constantly committed to supporting the professional development of mediators within the framework of their capabilities.

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