Presentation of Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia - "Mediation - Effective Dispute Resolution".

On November 28, the presentation of the practical manual - "Mediation - Effective Dispute Resolution" by Irakli Kandashvili, Lecturer of the Faculty of Law of Georgia, was held at Tbilisi State University.


The author of the textbook, Irakli Kandashvili, addressed the invited guests with a welcome speech. He thanked all the people who contributed to the creation of the manual.


Tamar Zarandia, Dean of the Faculty of Law of Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Mikheil Sarjveladze, Chairman of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, and David Asatiani, Chairman of the Georgian Bar Association, also delivered a speech at the event.


The presentation of the book was attended by judges, representatives and mediators of the Mediators Association of Georgian, members of the Bar Association, university professors and students, as well as other persons interested in the book.


At the end of the event, the author of the book, Irakli Kandashvili, presented textbooks with a personal autograph to the invited guests.


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