Working meeting with the representatives of the Legal Committee of the Parliament of Georgia regarding the amendments to the law of Georgia

Mediators Association of Georgia, with the support of the donor organization USAID, held a working meeting with the representatives of the Legal Committee of the Parliament of Georgia regarding the amendments to the Law of Georgia within the framework of the project of institutional strengthening and development of mediation of the Mediators Association of Georgia. 

The aforementioned package of legislative changes was prepared by the working group created in the Mediators Association of Georgia and includes a number of important issues related to the activities of mediators and refers to the following legislative acts: Civil Procedure Code of Georgia; Organic Law of Georgia "On Common Courts"; Law of Georgia "On State Pension". 

The meeting was opened by Irakli Kandashvili, the Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Herb Bowman, the Deputy Head of the Rule of Law Program, and Davit Matikashvili, the First Deputy Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Georgia. 

The working meeting was attended by representatives of the Mediators Association of Georgia, the Parliament of Georgia, the Supreme Council of Justice and the Ministry of Justice of Georgia.At the meeting, opinions and recommendations were expressed regarding the improvement of the package of the draft law, which will be additionally submitted to the Parliament of Georgia.

We remind you that on January 24, the Mediators Association of Georgia addressed the Parliament of Georgia with a proposal to make changes in the legislative acts regulating the professional activity of mediators.

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