"Mediators Association of Georgia", supported by the USAID Rule of Law Program, held a meeting with mediators.

The purpose of the meeting was to share experiences between mediators. Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, welcomed the participants. Experienced mediators and heads of Tbilisi and Mtskheti judicial mediation centers, Elene Orjonikidze and Natia Chitashvili, shared their experience with the new members of the association and introduced them to the specifics of the work of the judicial centers, and also talked about the problems in the centers.

The meeting continued in an interesting question-and-answer and discussion mode, the participants focused on the problems that exist in this area, they discussed such important topics as private and judicial mediation, the difficulties in the enforcement part and ways to solve them, and the challenges

What exists in the process of co-mediation, they also discussed the improvement and refinement of the third stage of the mediators' examination.

Mediators Association of Georgia permanently holds such meetings, because the sharing of experience between mediators and the discussion of challenges in this field is very important and contributes to the improvement and development of the mediation institute.

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