A training was held for the members of the Mediators Association of Georgia under the name - Mediator-Case Manager

The training took place within the framework of continuing professional education, whichIt is implemented with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program - Mediation Institutional Strengthening and Development Project.

The participants were welcomed by the executive director of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Tamar Imnaishvili, and the adviser in the direction of ADR of the USAID Rule of Law Program, Sofio Tkemaladze.

The training was led by Elene Orjonikidze, head of mediation center of Tbilisi City Court, member of Mediators Association of Georgia.The meeting was held online, attended by mediators from different regions of Georgia.

At the training, such important topics as the selection/appointment of a mediator, co-mediation and communication with the parties were discussed, as well as issues related to the terms of mediation were discussed.

The mediators also performed practical exercises at the meeting.The mentioned training will be held in the future and all members of the association will have the opportunity to participate in it.

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