School of Law and Competition in Mediation.

School of Law and Competition in Mediation. With the support of the Mediators Association of Georgia and the European Law Students Association of Georgia (ELSA Georgia), the event is organized: Law School and Mediation Competition. The aim of the project is to deepen both theoretical and practical knowledge related to mediation among law students and young lawyers.

The selected participants will be given lecture-seminars on mediation by the mediators for one week;The purpose of this event is to introduce students to mediation as an alternative forms of dispute resolution.
Based on the applications, the 35 best participants in the project will be selected and given lectures on mediation and its stages for a week.

Issues to be considered within the Law School:
1. Essential-procedural characteristics of mediation, the role of the mediator;

2. Mediation process;
3. Ethical foundations and principles of mediation; Ethics standards of mediators and rules of disciplinary proceedings;
4. Relevant verbal communication through mediation, building trust, active listening techniques, sharing emotions;
5. The importance of mediation in the development of Georgian law, the Law of Georgia on Mediation. Forms of mediation production Representative role in mediation.

After Law School, participants will be divided into teams of 3 people who will participate and compete against each other in mediation. The authors of the mediation case and the process evaluators will be qualified lawyers and mediators. The winner of each stage will be identified by summarizing the scores received by the team. Certificate of participation of all participants. The best participants of the project will have the opportunity to do an internship at the Mediators Association of Georgia.

For participate must register at the link provided:

The deadline for filling the application is March 31 at 23:59, 35 best participants will be selected based on applications
Law School in Mediation will start on April 4 through Google Meeting. The detailed agenda will be announced to the participants after the election.

For more information:
( ELSA Georgia)
Ana Koiava, Vice-President of Seminars and
In the direction of conferences
 +995 555 23 51 15
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