Specialized course "In Children's Rights"

Within the framework of the week dedicated to the professional day of mediators, a specialized course for mediators operating in the "Rights of Children" is being carried out by the Mediators Association of Georgia with the support of the partner donor organization UNICEF (UNICEF).


Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia addressed the participants and the training is led by the invited expert Maia Bakradze.


It is important that in accordance with the requirement of the Code on the Rights of the Child, only specialized persons have the right to engage in the mediation process as mediators, therefore, after the training, the mediator will be granted additional specialization in child rights, which will allow them to participate in this category of mediation cases.


Mediators Association of Georgia is grateful to UNICEF for their support.


Mediators Association of Georgia will continue to train all interested mediators according to this specialization in order to respond to the needs of the public for the purposes of effective implementation of the Code on the Rights of the Child in Georgia


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