Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the LEPL Mediators Association of Georgia and Ilia State University

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the LEPL Mediators Association of Georgia and Ilia State University, with the support of the Association, the Ilia State University School of Law and its partner organizations organized a summary conference of the international project EU Project Erasmus+ in the framework of Mediation: Training and Social Transformation.
Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Irakli Kandashvili, Dean of Ilia State University, and Jan van Zvietten, Rector of the Netherlands Business Academy addressed the guests at the event. The event was held in a panel discussion mode, which ended with a workshop of representatives of the Netherlands Business Academy: on practical skills in mediation for Georgian mediators.
The first part of the panel discussion, moderated by Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, was dedicated to the topic, the development of mediation in Georgia and comparative trends in Ukraine, Azerbaijan and the EU. The panel was attended by mediator Marion Kuipers, a representative of the Netherlands Business Academy and Alida Mahmudov, an instructor of mediation principles at Khazar University in Azerbaijan.
The first part of the panel discussion ended with international cooperation - signing a memorandum between the Mediators Association of Georgia and the Netherlands Mediation Federation.
The first part of the panel discussion ended with international cooperation - signing a memorandum between the Mediators Association of Georgia and the Netherlands Mediation Federation. Lasha Kalandadze, Member of the Executive Board of the Mediators Association of Georgia and a member of the Mediators Association of Georgia, an international accredited mediator and former judge of the Center for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR).
The third part of the panel discussion was dedicated to the role of educational institutions in the development of mediation, moderated by Dr. David Maisuradze, an associate professor at Ilia State University School of Law. Representatives and mediators of various universities, including Ana Khurtsidze, Dean and Mediator of the University of Georgia School of Law, Sophio Chachava, Member of the Executive Council of the Mediators Association of Georgia, and Levan Jakeli, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of Batumi Shota Rustaveli participated in the panel.
LEPL " Mediators Association of Georgia " welcomes and supports the implementation of similar measures. By implementing such measures and sharing experienced practices between different countries, it contributes to the growth of qualification among mediators on the one hand and raising awareness in society on the other.

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