The third interdisciplinary forum - "Mediation in Georgia - challenges and perspective".

The third interdisciplinary forum - "Mediation in Georgia - Challenges and Prospects" was held within the framework of the week dedicated to Mediation Day, organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia and with the support of the United Nations Development Program and Germany, within the framework of the project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all".


The forum took place in the mode of panel discussion, which was moderated by Irakli Kandashvili, the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia.


Levan Asatiani - the representative of the United Nations Development Program, Tamila Barkalaya - the Deputy Minister of IDPs from the occupied territories of Georgia, Ekaterine Nandoshvili, addressed the public and welcomed the members of the forum.Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Notaries of Georgia, Lado Kheladze - Head of the National Agency for Crime Prevention, Enforcement of Non-custodial Sentences and Probation, Raisa Lipartiliani - Deputy Chairman of the Union of Professional Unions of Georgia, Elguja Meladze - Executive Director of the Employers' Mediators Association of Georgia;


The Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection of Georgia, Mediators Association of Georgia, Board of the Chamber of Notaries of Georgia, Union of Professional Unions of Georgia participated in the said forum. The representatives of the Association of Employers of Georgia, the Union of Professional Unions of Georgia, the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia, the Department of Diversion and Mediation, and the joint project of the European Union and the United Nations Development Program. At the forum, the participants focused on the role of mediation in the effective resolution of labor and commercial disputes, the speakers emphasized the importance of mediation in the business sector. The participants also talked about the needs of the development of notary mediation and the ways of its popularization in order to increase awareness in society. At the end of the event, a discussion was held.

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