Training of Trainers in Mediation (TOT) was initiated by the Mediators Association of Georgia

Training of Trainers in Mediation (TOT) was initiated by the Mediators Association of Georgia and is supported by the USAID Rule of Law Program. Tamar Imnaishvili, Executive Secretary of the Mediators Association of Georgia , and Sophio Tkemaladze, ADR Advisor to the Rule of Law Program in Georgia, addressed the participants with a welcome speech. The training aims to enable the participants to deepen their knowledge and become accredited trainers of the Mediators Association. Participants who successfully pass the training will have the opportunity to be included in the Unified Register of Trainers of the Mediators Association, in accordance with Article 3 of the Regulations of the Mediators Certification Program of the Mediators Association of Georgia. As for today, 20 accredited trainers are registered in the Unified Register of Trainers of the Mediators Association of Georgia. The training is being held at the High School of Justice, and will last for four days.

