Under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the project "Promotion of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Georgia" was launched, the purpose of which is to develop alternative mechanisms in the direction of justice in the country.

The meeting of the first steering committee of the Council of Europe project was held, where, along with the Mediators Association of Georgia, various organizations involved in the justice process took part.
Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Irakli Kandashvili, Head of the Department of Diversion and Mediation of the National Agency for Crime Prevention, Non-custodial Sentences and Probation, Maurice Baramia, and Mahir Mushteidzada, the representative of the Council of Europe, head of the Georgia and Azerbaijan Division, addressed the participants of the meeting.
According to Irakli Kandashvili, this project is very important for our country, because the introduction of alternative means of dispute resolution in Georgia will help to establish social peace.
At the meeting, the main goals and expected results of the project were discussed and the presentation of the 6-month plan of the project was presented.In the direction of mediation, it is planned to develop training modules and implement concrete measures to raise awareness about mediation

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