Working meeting with judges - "Existing practices and challenges during transfer/referral of mediation cases"

"Mediators Association of Georgia " with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program "Mediation Institutional Strengthening and Development Project" held a working meeting with judges at the "Yakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University" in Telavi: "Existing Practices and Challenges in the Transfer/Reference of Mediation Cases".

The event was opened and the invited guests were addressed by the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia - Irakli Kandashvili, the adviser in the direction of ADR of the USAID Rule of Law Program, Irakli Gelovani, and the rector of Telavi State University named after Yakob Gogebashvili - Shalva Chkadua.

Giorgi Mtiuliishvili - judge of Gurjaani district court, Marine Tsertsvadze - judge of Telavi district court and Aleksandre Lomidze - magistrate judge of Sagarejo and Dedofli springs took part in the panel discussion;

At the meeting, important issues related to the practice and challenges during the transfer/referral of mediation cases were discussed.

The meeting ended with a summary discussion and it was planned to implement such effective steps for the further improvement of the mediation legislation, which will contribute to the strengthening of the institution of mediation.



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