Working meeting with the representatives of the newly opened Court Mediation Center in Eastern Georgia.

A working meeting was held with the representatives of the newly opened Court Mediation Center in Eastern Georgia within the framework of the "Institutional Strengthening and Mediation Development Project of the Mediators Association of Georgia".

The event was implemented with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program "Mediation Institutional Strengthening and Development Project". The participants were welcomed and the meeting was chaired by the executive director of the Mediators Association of Georgia - Tamar Imnaishvili.


The meeting was attended by: Mtskheti District Court, Akhaltsikhe District Court, Telavi District Court, Gurjaani District Court, Bolnisi District Court, Dedoplistskaro and Sagarejo Magistrate's Court, Tetritskaro District Court managers and court staff. 

The executive director of the Mediators Association of Georgia - Tamar Imnaishvili spoke at the meeting about the practice and challenges during the transfer/referral of mediation cases. The participants of the meeting were very interested in the mentioned issue and many interesting questions were asked. 

The executive director of the Mediators Association of Georgia, Tamar Imnaishvili, together with the representatives of the judicial agency participating in the event, also discussed the existing challenges and ways of solving the statistical data processing rules and standards of mediation cases. 

At the end of the meeting, many interesting questions were asked and the issues included in the agenda of the event were summarized.


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