
Ana Samsonia

Court Member

Ana Samsonia- mediator since 2022.

Currently the head of the legal department at Ecovis Georgia, as well mediator of collective labor disputes at the Ministry of the IDPs from occupied territories of Georgia, Labour, Health and Social Protection, a guest lecturer at the University of Business and Technology, a member of the labor law committee of the Georgian Bar Association (acting attorney), accredited trainer at the Mediators Association of Georgia, mentor trainer at Training Center Palitra.


Ana Samsonia holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in law from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, she is currently working on her doctoral thesis, she studied at the doctoral level in the fall semester (2020) at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (Germany) and in the spring semester (2021) at the University of Saarland (Germany). She has received scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the European Commission “Erasmus+” and others. She has completed Internship at the Federal Chancellery of Austria (Vienna). Ana Samsonia was a participant of the IRZ/DAV/BRAK project, within the scope of which she had the opportunity to take part in the labor law team in  Cologne (Germany) office at the international company CMS Hasche Sigle. 


At various times, she worked at the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (lawyer), the Children and Youth Development Fund (grant project manager), Newsroom LLC (chief lawyer), Palitranews LLC (chief lawyer), Radio Palitra LLC (chief lawyer), Palitra Holding LLC (head of legal department), Legal Group LLC (director and co-founder). At different times she taught law at the following universities: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, National University of Georgia, European teaching University. 


A number of different types of transactions are carried by her support. The main areas are – labor law, corporate law, collective mediation, litigation.

Working Languages: Georgian, English, German, Russian.
