Natia Chitashvili - mediator since 2014
Currently, Associate Professor at Tbilisi State University (TSU) Faculty of Law, possess Ph.D. and MA degree in law, she is executive director at TSU National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Natia also is a mediator, trainer, founder member of the executive council at LEPL Mediators Association of Georgia (MAG).
Since 2014 - Up to now Natia is a mediator at TSU National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. From 2017 – Up to now she is mediator of collective labor disputes (provided by Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia). Since 2019 up to now she is a mediators at court.
Natia’s mediation practices are specialized in the following categories of disputes: business (contractual obligations), commodity, family, inheritance, individual and collective labor and bank disputes.
Basic and specialized mediation courses and certification programs: 2020 - CEDR ToT mediation Trainig (32 hr.) EU UNDP; 2019 - labor mediation certification program (80 hr.), (ITC, ILO); 2018 - mediation Training (25 hr.) (CEDR, EU-UNDP); 2016 -Mediation Certificate Program (25 hr.) (ILO); 2015 - School Mediation certification Program (40 hr.) (Polish Center of Mediation): 2013 advanced mediation Training in Family mediation (25 hr.) (USAID, STCL, EWMI-JILEP); 2014 - advanced mediation training in negotiation and mediatio (25 hr.) (USAID, STCL, EWMI-JILEP);
In 2014 Natia obtained US mediation certification (40 hr.) in South Texas, at Frank Evans Conflict Resolution Center.
2013 Mediation Training advanced course (25 hr.) (USAID, EWMI-JILEP, STCL);
18/06/2012-28/06/2012- Negotiation and Mediation (72hr.) training for professors (USAID, EWMI-JILEP, STCL, FECCR).
Working experience – From 2019 up to 2020 December - head of the project called “Strengthening of Lawyer’s Professional Skills in Mediation” (GBA, EU, UNDP). From 2018 up to now authorization expert at National Center For Educational Quality Enhancement; From 2018 up to day associate professor at Tbilisi State University (disciplines at VaMediation, head of Mediation Clinic, private law and other disciplines); 2016-2017 (5 months) researcher of mediation ethics in Hamburg, received scholarship from Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (DAAD); 2012-2018 worked as assistant professor at Tbilisi State University. In 2012 co-founder of Tbilisi State University National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. In 2007-2012 was invited lecturer at TSU Faculty of Law. From 2012 up to day executive director and mediation trainer, mediation program coordinator at TSU National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. 2012 up to day head of USAID sponsored mediation programs through JILEP and PROLoG.
Working Languages: English, Georgian.