Began receiving applications for program accreditation

Mediators Assosiacion of Georgia, in accordance with Article 6.3 of the Statute of the Mediators Certification Program, announces the receiving of applications from individuals and interested institutions for program accreditation of the course.

According to Article 6.4 of the Statute of the Mediator Certification Program, obtaining program accreditation entitles the applicant to conduct a one-time training for persons wishing to mediate in the program approved by the Association within the time required by the application.

The applicant must submit the following information to the Association when submitting the application:


(A)  the date of the training;


(B)   the identity and number of trainers in accordance with the rules and standards established by the regulations;


(C)   information on the city and / or location of the training;


(D)   Training program - including detailed timetable and teaching methodology;


(E)    Bank receipt confirming payment of the fee for obtaining program accreditation.


Send documentation to:

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